Due to rapid growth in technology sector the cyber space has been become one of easiest and active platform to perform business activities, moreover due to prevailing circumstances and especially ought to Global pandemic covid-19 approximately all the business sectors has switched their businesses on cyber space and it has resulted with positive progress.
Further due to rapid growth just like in the physical situations the criminals and scammers has also become active on cyber space.
The scammers and the cyber criminals use different type of techniques to perform their criminal activity..
According to Black’s Laws Dictionary, “Crime is an act that the law makes punishable; the breach of a legal duty treated as the subject matter of a criminal proceeding”
The national Assembly of Pakistan has promulgated an act Known as the Prevention of electronic Crime Act 2016 which was enacted and passed by the national Assembly in the year 2016. . According to the Act, the purpose of the legislation is “to prevent unauthorized acts with respect to information systems and provide for related offences as well as mechanisms for their investigation, prosecution, trial and international cooperation.
Any citizen who have any type grievance or has faced online fraud or scammed on any any online market place can submit their complaint :complaints@fia.gov.pk;